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Kindergarten Fall Activities

Are You Looking For Kindergarten Fall Activities? Happy Fall Y'all! Here are some great ways to break up your day and have ...

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Wednesday, August 31

Today our letter of the day was letter Cc.  We read a cat story and made colorful cats.  The students brought these home today.  This activity focused on listening and using fine motor skills.  We played a Crocodile game with all of the alphabet letters. We will use this game to review our letters from time to time.  The class had a lot of fun finding out what letters the crocodile ate!

We also used our white boards to practice printing the letters Aa, Bb, and Cc.  We will be focusing on correct letter formation a lot during these early weeks of Kindergarten. We will use dry erase boards, chalkboards, paper and pencil and other tools to practice forming the letters. 

Today, the September Reading Log came home.  Please read to your child each day/week and color one book for each 10 minutes of reading.  Students brought home library books today, so this would be a great book to start with! :)  When students return the completed reading log at the end of the month, they will receive a small prize.  

FYI: Today we practiced our sever weather drill in the afternoon. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday, August 30

Today our letter of the day was Bb.  We practiced making the letter Bb and listening for its sound.  We played a Hidden Bumblebee number game with the numbers 1 - 10 and then the students made a bear parade of numbers 1 - 10.  These came home today.  The class practiced following directions, coloring, cutting and gluing during our bus activity.  The buses are decorating our classroom door.  They did a great job! 

We practiced our fire drill this afternoon.  We continue to work on giving everyone a chance to use the Chrome Books.  The students are doing a great job with them so far!

Tomorrow is Library
If you would like to order from the Scholastic Book Order, please order online with our classroom code before September 2 at 3 pm. 
Character Rock T-shirts can still be ordered.  Return the order form and payment to school.

Monday, August 29

On Monday, we started our "Letter of the Day" unit with the letter Aa.  The students used their fine motor skills to make a torn paper apple craft.  They also sorted pictures that started with Aa and  pictures that did not start with Aa.  The students practiced writing our letter of the day on dry erase boards. 

Some of the students spent some time using the Chrome Books in class today as well. I reminded the students that not everyone had a turn today, however, we will rotate through everyone by the end of the week.  We are just becoming familiar with the Chrome Books and will start to incorporate them more each week into our daily routine. 

You probably noticed that a behavior sheet came home in your child's folder today.  We spent a lot of time last week learning about the 4 Be's.  Starting this week, I will fill out the behavior sheet daily to let you know how your child is doing at school.  Please check it and initial it each evening and leave it in your child's folder.  At the end of the grading period, we will have a Good News Party to celebrate good choices!

*Just as an FYI, this week we will be practicing our emergency drills (fire, sever weather and intruder.)

Thursday, August 25, 2016


The weekly specials schedule will be listed in my newsletter each week.  However, you can also find the schedule under the "My Classroom" tab on this website.  Let me know if you have any questions!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Another great day in Kindergarten.  Today we read Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten and had fun with the rhyming words in the story.  See if your child can tell you some rhyming words! 
This morning, we focused on learning the 4 Be's of Whiteside School (Be Safe, Be Caring, Be Respectful and Be Responsible). We also learned the rules for scissors and glue in the classroom and practiced using these when we made stoplights this afternoon.  

Monday, August 22, 2016


What a wonderful first day of Kindergarten!  Our class is super!!! Thank you so much for sharing your sweet kiddos with me this year!  I can't wait to get to know them all better and I am so glad to have shared their first day of Kindergarten with them!! We read two fun stories for the first day of school.  Ask your child who Sarah was in the First Day Jitters!  (We were surprised to find out she was actually the teacher in the story, and she had a few jitters too at her new school!) We drank a little "jitter" juice to make any first day jitters go away. :)  Also ask your child about Chester the raccoon. The students brought home a little treat to go with this story.  

TENNIS SHOES: We have PE on FRIDAY this week.  Please have your child wear tennis shoes.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Night Before...
I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow for the first day of Kindergarten!  Check out this great read aloud for the night before your first day!  It is the story, Twas the Night Before Kindergarten, written by Natasha Wing. 

Listen to a bedtime story tonight by clicking this link: 

Thursday, August 18, 2016


Thank you for attending Open House tonight!  It was so great to meet all of our Kindergarten families!  If you have school supplies that still need to be brought to school, you can send them with your child on Monday.  I hope you all enjoy your last few days of summer and I can't wait to see everyone again on Monday!

REMINDER:  Please remember to send snack for 24 students sometime next week.  Please read the snack note that was in the Open House Folder for details regarding snack. :)

OPEN HOUSE FOLDERS:  Please be sure to read through all of the papers that were in your child's Open House folder.  Remember to fill out and return the papers that were on the "Return to School" side of the folder next week.  Thanks! :)

NAME TAG: Your child should wear the orange name tag to school on Monday.  He/she will come home on Monday with a new name tag. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Let's Stay Connected!

The home/school connection is so important!  I am constantly looking for ways to build the home/school relationship between our classroom/school and our Kindergarten families. Here are a few ways to stay connected to what is happening in our classroom and at our school!

1. Subscribe to this blog! Add your e-mail to the subscribe section on the right side of this page and you will get e-mail notifications when I update the blog!
2. Follow our classroom on Instagram: cason_kindergarten
3. Download the "Remind" app and join our classroom.  (Information will be sent home about this in your child's Open House folder!)
4. E-mail - Feel free to e-mail me any time with questions or concerns.  I always try to respond the same day!
5. Phone Call - Please call me if you have any questions or concerns.  You will most likely have to leave a voicemail during the school day.  However, I will try and call you back the same day. 
6. Keep an eye out for opportunities to join our classroom for things such as class parties, special events or read alouds!

I can't wait to get to know all of my students and their families this year!  

Monday, August 15, 2016

 Open House at the Elementary School is on 
Thursday, August 18 from 5:30 - 7:30.  
Bring your child's school supplies and come check out our classroom! I can't wait to meet everyone!