We have been a busy class this last week and a half! Sorry that I have not had a chance to update our blog recently. So, here's an overview of what we have been doing and what's to come!
Last Week:
We spent a lot of time reviewing in math. We reviewed one to one correspondence, numbers 0 - 5, counting to tell how many, greater than, less than, and equal to. If your child is having trouble with any of these concepts at home, please review at home as well. We also worked with patterns and extending patterns.
We finished up our letter of the day program for our phonics lessons. Below there are a few pictures of the crafts we made to go along with these letters.
We also finished all of our lessons for our story, Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come.
A Look Ahead:
This week, our letter focus is Aa. Today our lesson was on becoming Superstar Letter Detectives! The students practiced looking for the letter A, hearing the letter, sorting and writing the letter! We will have several Aa lessons this week that will go along with our theme of apples for this week. We will also be learning an apple poem this week to work on word order, sentences, and rhyming words. In Language Arts, we are reading the story, Boomer Goes to School by Constance McGeorge. Your child's first Pre-Decodable book came home yesterday. When these small books come home, please read them at home with your child, sign and return to school.
We also began Chapter 2 in math yesterday. This chapter will focus on numbers 6 - 10 and ordinal numbers.
Letter T - Turtles
Letter S - Snakes