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Kindergarten Fall Activities

Are You Looking For Kindergarten Fall Activities? Happy Fall Y'all! Here are some great ways to break up your day and have ...

Monday, November 30, 2015

This Week...

This week, we will be learning about the letter Hh.  Today we made our Hh Word List and focused on printing the letter Hh.  We will do more writing later this week for our Hh theme. We will also begin our holiday activities this week. We began today by making paper chains to decorate our classroom! :) We will attend a school wide Glee Club assembly on Friday of this week. The Glee Club always does a great job of getting the students in the holiday spirit!

Reminder: You can order the Kindergarten Self-Portrait T-shirts this week online!!! These are keepsake shirts that have a self-drawn portait of each child in our class! The website to order the shirts is www.gatewayimpressions.com. They are $10 plus tax.
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Reminder: Raging Rivers Reading Forms are due this Friday, December 4th.  (These are optional.)
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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Gobble, Gobble!

Happy Thanksigivng from these sweet Kinders!  We loved sharing the November Family Project!  I think all of these turkeys will definitely escape from the farmer in these cool disguises! Thank you families for helping with this project! We really enjoyed sharing and listening to all of the great ideas!

We had fun today making some Thanksigivng turkeys to decorate our rooom!  We worked hard on cutting and fine motor skills while creating these! Some of the students were anxious to bring them home to show their parents, so we decided to post a picture on our blog for all of you to see! 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Reading Treasure Boxes

I was so glad to see all of the Family September Homework projects that came to school last week!  We had a lot of fun sharing the Reading Treasure Boxes!  I hope that your family enjoyed making them together. You can still send them in this week.  I know a few families were still working on them.

The class practiced being Superstar Listeners and Superstar Speakers while sharing the creations.  They did a great job!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Happy Friday!!

Happy Friday!

This week, we introduced the letters A - E.  A few of our activities for these letters were making torn paper apples and a school bus craft using our cutting and gluing skills.  On Thursday, we made paper donuts and had a donut treat in the afternoon for being superstar workers!
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We also have been working with the numbers 1 - 5 in our math lessons as you have noticed on the homework that has been coming home.  There is no homework for the weekend.  We completed it together in class. However, extra practice wiritng these numbers is always helpful!! Focus on writing the numbers 1 - 5 for now if you have time at home.

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This week, we had a fire drill and an intruder drill to practice for these emergencies.  Next week, we will be practicing for a tornado.  The studetns have done a great job so far listening for these drills!!

The schedule for next week is below:

Monday - Art   Tuesday - Music    Wednesday - Library     Thursday - Computer    Friday - PE

Have a great weekend and let me know if you have any questions!!
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Monday, August 24, 2015

Letter of the Day

Today we started our Letter of the Day program with the letter Aa.  Our focus was on printing the letter and the sound it makes.  We made torn paper apples, read an apple story, made a list of Aa words and learned a fun alligator poem to help us remember how to print the letter A.  

We also started "My Math" today and introduced Chapter 1 which will be about Numbers 0 -5.  Please reveiw the math flashcards that came home today with yoru child!  Have a great evening! 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Wrapping up the First Week


It's been a great first week!  We have had a lot of fun getting to know each other this week in class.  It's going to be a "SUPER" year with all of these sweeties!
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Thank you for helping your child complete homework this week!  The homework response has been great and I really appreciate that!! Just keep an eye out in your child's folder.  Homework will start coming home daily for math and other activities will come home from time to time as well.

This past week, we went over a lot of rules and routines.  We particapted in the school wide "Boot Camp" on Wednesday (lots of rules from different teachers and principals throughout different places in the building). We spent time learning about our "learning tools" (crayons, pencils, glue, scissors, etc) and how we use these appropriately for learning. :) We also focused on basic colors and shape recognition during a few of our lessons.

Next week, we are ready to start rolling with our letter of the day program! We will work with letters A - E next week.  We will also begin our math lessons in the My Math series.

Thanks for all of the family photos this week!  We will be sharing these next week, so if you haven't sent one, there is still time! :)

Specials Schedule for next week is below:

Monday - Art    Tuesday - Music    Wednesday - Library    Thursday - Computer   Friday - PE (wear tennis shoes on PE days)

Please let me know if you have any questions!  Check our blog often for daily and weekly updates, important dates, etc.

Have a RELAXING weekend!!! :)

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Monday, August 17, 2015

First Day of Kindergarten!!

And....they made it! What a wonderful first day our class had!!  I enjoyed meeting all of the students today and watching them all interact and get to know each other. :) Today, we introduced the 4 Be's (Be Safe, Be Caring, Be Respectful and Be Responsible).  The students will hear these a lot this week as we learn all of the new routines and procedures.

"Be Safe, Be Caring, Be Respectful, Be Responsible"

Most importantly, the class played at recess together today, enjoyed snack, were "Listening Superstars" during story time, met Mrs. Mosby in Art Class, ate in the cafeteria and explored with some of our Kindergarten learning toys!  I encourage you to ask your child about his/her day and talk with your child about Chester the Raccoon (from the story The Kissing Hand).  As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  We are off to a great start!!

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Friday, August 14, 2015

Welcome To Kindergarten

It was great to meet so many families and new students last night at Open House!  Thanks to all of you that were able to make it to the classroom!  If you were not able to make it last night, no worries! :) I will send your Open House information home with your child on Monday.

I can't wait to see all of our Kindergarten friends on Monday!  We will be learning about our school, classroom and new friends on the first day!  We will also be going to Art class.   A lunch menu was in the Open House packet, so talking with your child about the lunch choices for the day is always helpful if he/she plans on buying lunch. :)

Please let me know if you have any questions before Monday or any time during the school year! Feel free to call or e-mail me anytime! I want to do whatever I can to help make the first day of Kindergarten and the rest of the year a fabulous experience for your child!! Have a great weekend!
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Monday, August 10, 2015

KINDERGARTEN 2015 - 2016
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Important Upcoming Dates: Whiteside Elementary's Open House will be on August 13 from 5:30 - 7:30.  Please bring your child's school supplies to Open House and check out our classroom! 

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Our first day of school will be August 17 from 8:30 - 3:00.  I can't wait to meet all of you! 

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