Happy Friday!
This week, we introduced the letters A - E. A few of our activities for these letters were making torn paper apples and a school bus craft using our cutting and gluing skills. On Thursday, we made paper donuts and had a donut treat in the afternoon for being superstar workers!
We also have been working with the numbers 1 - 5 in our math lessons as you have noticed on the homework that has been coming home. There is no homework for the weekend. We completed it together in class. However, extra practice wiritng these numbers is always helpful!! Focus on writing the numbers 1 - 5 for now if you have time at home.
This week, we had a fire drill and an intruder drill to practice for these emergencies. Next week, we will be practicing for a tornado. The studetns have done a great job so far listening for these drills!!
The schedule for next week is below:
Monday - Art Tuesday - Music Wednesday - Library Thursday - Computer Friday - PE
Have a great weekend and let me know if you have any questions!!