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Kindergarten Fall Activities

Are You Looking For Kindergarten Fall Activities? Happy Fall Y'all! Here are some great ways to break up your day and have ...

Monday, November 30, 2015

This Week...

This week, we will be learning about the letter Hh.  Today we made our Hh Word List and focused on printing the letter Hh.  We will do more writing later this week for our Hh theme. We will also begin our holiday activities this week. We began today by making paper chains to decorate our classroom! :) We will attend a school wide Glee Club assembly on Friday of this week. The Glee Club always does a great job of getting the students in the holiday spirit!

Reminder: You can order the Kindergarten Self-Portrait T-shirts this week online!!! These are keepsake shirts that have a self-drawn portait of each child in our class! The website to order the shirts is www.gatewayimpressions.com. They are $10 plus tax.
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Reminder: Raging Rivers Reading Forms are due this Friday, December 4th.  (These are optional.)
    Image result for free water park clip art

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Gobble, Gobble!

Happy Thanksigivng from these sweet Kinders!  We loved sharing the November Family Project!  I think all of these turkeys will definitely escape from the farmer in these cool disguises! Thank you families for helping with this project! We really enjoyed sharing and listening to all of the great ideas!

We had fun today making some Thanksigivng turkeys to decorate our rooom!  We worked hard on cutting and fine motor skills while creating these! Some of the students were anxious to bring them home to show their parents, so we decided to post a picture on our blog for all of you to see!