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Kindergarten Fall Activities

Are You Looking For Kindergarten Fall Activities? Happy Fall Y'all! Here are some great ways to break up your day and have ...

Monday, March 14, 2016

Tt Week

Our letter of the week is Tt.  Today, we made our Tt word list.  We also discussed different types of transportation.  The class made a list and selected their favorite transportation to write about.  This week, we will also be learning about turtles.

On Thursday afternoon, we will attend our school wide JumpRope for Heart Assembly.  More information will be sent home soon!

Our sight word focus will be 3 letter words this week.  The students did great on their 2 letter word quiz last week!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Rr is for Rainbow

Last week, our letter of the week focus was Rr.  We discussed the colors of the rainbow, and finished up our lesson with a rainbow craft.  A perfect classroom decoration for our upcoming season of Spring! The rainbows really brigthen up our room! :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


During the months of January and February, we were busy with a lot of different activities.  Check out a few of them below!  We are wrapping up all of our winter activities and we are ready to to leap into Spring!
We learned about the different ways that animals adapt to the winter and made an idea web to organize the information that we learned from our books and research.

We read the story, "The Mitten", by Jan Brett. After reading the story, we worked on sequencing the events in the story. The students then had fun in the afternoon being creative while watercoloring some mittens.

We read so many fun snowman stories during the months of January and February.  We used these stories to help us make an anchor chart of all the words that describe a snowman!

The students helped create sentences to label a snowman!

One of our favorite snowman books was "Snowmen at Night", written by Caralyn Buehner. After reading the story, we made a list of all of the fun things the snowmen did at night!

The students used their fine motor and listening skills to make snowmen to decorate our classroom!

Fingerprint snowman painting was a lot of fun! Those small finger muscles were working hard!

In Math, we worked on taking apart numbers 1 - 10.  We made these number bonds to help us organize the information we learned. These anchor charts came in handy during the following chapter of addition.  We still refer to these anchor charts when we are working on subtraction as well!  They are a very helpful tool!