Sorry it has been awhile since I had a chance to update our blog! We have been busy in Kindergarten. We finished up our letter of the day program at the end of October. We spent time last week learning about fall and reviewing all that we learned in September!
It was so great to see all of the parents and families at Parent-Teacher Conferences last week and to talk about all of the progress our students are making in Kindergarten!
This week, we will continue our Fall them for the month of October. We all began our letter of the week program this week. We will be learning about the letter Aa and apples this week. Since Aa is one of our vowels, we will be recognizing the two different sounds that Aa can make and be listening for that sound in words.
Last week, our first Pre-Decodable book (The Park) came home. These books are from our Open Court reading series and will be coming home almost every week. We use these books to learn our sight words and practice reading them in class. This week, our book will be Lunch. We will work with these books all week and then they will be sent home on Friday. These books along with any other Emergent Reader books should be placed in your child's Reading Treasure Box at home and they can be read at home together. Please let me know if you have any questions about these books as the year progresses.