What a wonderful group of Kindergarteners we have in our classroom! I have loved getting to know them this week! We wrapped up the week with some review on classroom and school expectations, the 4 Be's and more school "tools" practice (glue, scissors, etc.) The class had fun playing a math game and getting to use dice for the first time today. We use dice often for reveiw games in math. It is a fun way to reinforce concepts for the students!
I have listed next week's specials' schedule below and some reminders.
SNACK - Please send snack for 24 students sometime next week. (if you have not already done so)
BOOK ORDERS - A note came home today with students about Scholastic Book Orders
CHARACTER ED. SHIRTS - Money and form is due Sept. 9
CEREAL BOX - Please send an empty cereal box with your child next week.
Monday - Art Tuesday - Music Wednesday - Library Thursday - Computers Friday - PE
Please contact me if you have questions about anything!

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