This week, we did not have a new letter of the week because it was a short week. Instead, we spent some time reviewing all of our letters and the popcorn words that we have learned so far. Please remember to review the October sight word list at home. We will continue with letter Dd next week.
Yesterday, the class did some research on pumpkins and learned about pumpkins and how they grow. We used the information to make a pumpkin graphic organizer. The students then wrote three things about pumpkins and sequenced the life cycle of pumpkins. Their hard work is hanging on our classroom door. They did such an amazing job with their writing!! I was very proud of them. They can not wait to bring these home and share them with their families!
We also had some fun reading a Mickey Mouse Haunted House story and making a class book about a spooky night! :) Be sure to check out the class books when you come in for conferences. Our class book bucket is sitting outisde of our classroom. We try to make one class book every week.
The class also used their cutting and listening skills to make some ghosts to decorate our classroom for the upcoming Halloween party.
Along with our everyday math lessons from Chapter 2 in our math series, we have been working on patterns. This week the students made AAB patterns with pumpkins and bats.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns reagarding your child's progress in Kindergarten!