This past week, we have focused on learning and writing the letter Bb. We had two new sight words for the week: see, be. Please review these with your child at home. We spent time reading several fall stories this week, painting fall leaves and trees, and making jack-o-lanterns. The students also worked on making various fall patterns. The class did a great job making owls to decorate our bulletin board for the new season (picure below).
Our new poem this week was about a bear. We again used the poem to practice word order, word identification and rhyming words. Please read this with your child when he/she brings the poem home.
October Reading Logs - Read each night and color a pumpkin.
Ocotober Family Pumpkins - Due October 15
Sight Words - Reivew at home: color words & the, here, is, see, be
Specials Schedule for the week of Oct. 13
M - No School T - Computer W - PE
TH - Art F - Music

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