Last Week
Last week, we learned about the letter Ee. We read several elephant books and made our Ee word list. Students used this list to help them with their journal writing. They enjoyed the story, Elmer, by David McKee and colored their own Elmer the Elephant.
In math, we worked on recognizing the numbers 11 - 15 as well as counting objects that correspond with the numbers. We finished playing our Pumpkin Number game from the week before. The ghost hides behind one of the pumpkins and the students take turns guessing which pumpkin it is behind. In November, we will extend this game by hiding a turkey behind the pumpkin and the students will practice writing the numbers as they guess. They have a lot of fun guessing and it is a fun way to practice the numbers!
Our poem of the week last week was about Pumpkins. This came home with your child as one of the homework activities. This week, we will have a poem about friends for our letter of the week.
This Week
This week, our letter focus will be Ff. Today, the class wrote in their journals about words that start with an Ff. We also spent time learning about Veteran's Day. The second grade classes did a wonderful presentation for the school in honor of Veteran's Day. During this assembly, they presented the word of the month for November - Peace. Please remember to bring in canned foods for our November food drive! The school is trying to reach the goal of 800 cans by Friday! We appreciate everyone that has sent in items already.
When we return to school on Wednesday, we will be learning about Pilgrims, Indians and Thanksgiving. This theme will continue on for the next two weeks. We will focus on several writing and research activities on this topic. We will also incorporate many fun crafts, and learning games into our activities in the coming weeks! Thank you to all of you that have returned your Family Turkey. If you have not had time to complete this yet, that's okay. Please return it when you are finished and your child will share it with the class. Sharing the family projects are part of the speaking and listening lessons we complete in Kindergarten. Check out all of the fun October Family Pumpkins from last month! It is always so enjoyable to listen to the students share their family creations.

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