Today, the students were very busy in the morning with letter work and working on writing. They spent time writing in their journals and time putting various alphabet cards in order. Here is a picture of a few in progress below! They did a great job. We are working on completing this task faster and faster each time to increase fluency.
Students have increased their stamina this week! They are successfully completing "Read to Self" for 4 minutes! Way to go! Next week, our goal is to be able to read to self for a total of 10 minutes by the end of the week!
I know a lot of you are working on Reading Treasure Boxes at home with your child for the September Family Homework Project. We will try and share these on the day they are brought into school. However, sometimes we will have to keep them at school an extra day or so until we have time to share them. This beautiful treasure box was brought in by a friend today. We had planned on formally sharing it today, but were busy this afternoon and didn't have time. :( It was so fun to see the excitement from the students when the box was brought to the classroom! We will share this box on Monday as well as any other boxes that are brought in. I hope you are having fun with this project! Enjoy your weekend with your family and remember to fill in the September Reading Log each time you read to your child at home!