Tuesday, September 6
Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone had a relaxing three day weekend with their families! Today we began our small group rotations. You might also see or hear me refer to this time as guided reading time, stations, work stations, etc. Regardless of the title, it's when I am able to work with a small group of students on language arts skills and really get to know all of the kiddos!!! I love this time and today went great! I was so proud of the students for working quietly at their own stations while I worked with my group. We have five rotations each day so that each child can meet with me in a small group every day! (Usually it will work out like this, but sometimes, our schedule gets a little complicated). :) The students love it because it keeps them moving! I know things will start to go a little smoother as we continue to work each day.
We also introduced our first math chapter today on numbers 0-5. You will see a lot of math papers in your child's folder today! :) These are just the introduction papers for the book and the chapter. There were also flash cards that came home. These can be cut apart and reviewed at home. They do not need to return to school. We will be working with these math vocabulary words during Chapter 1. We will usually do one lesson per day. We will even sometimes complete the homework at school. I want to make sure the students have a chance to receive help in class if they need it. However, depending on time, there will sometimes be a math homework page that comes home during the week.
Today our letter of the day was letter Ff. Students wrote about families, drew their friends and read a fun story about a frog. Our story was full of rhyming words and animal characters. Ask your child about Finklehopper Frog! See if your child can remember any of the other characters (a dog, a cat, and a rabbit). Finklehopper realized that everyone is different and he doesn't have to be like all of the other animals. He can have fun just being himself. We are making some Finklehopper Frogs at school that we will finish tomorrow.
REMINDER: Thursday is Library this week. Please return your book!

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