Wednesday, August 31
Today our letter of the day was letter Cc. We read a cat story and made colorful cats. The students brought these home today. This activity focused on listening and using fine motor skills. We played a Crocodile game with all of the alphabet letters. We will use this game to review our letters from time to time. The class had a lot of fun finding out what letters the crocodile ate!
We also used our white boards to practice printing the letters Aa, Bb, and Cc. We will be focusing on correct letter formation a lot during these early weeks of Kindergarten. We will use dry erase boards, chalkboards, paper and pencil and other tools to practice forming the letters.
Today, the September Reading Log came home. Please read to your child each day/week and color one book for each 10 minutes of reading. Students brought home library books today, so this would be a great book to start with! :) When students return the completed reading log at the end of the month, they will receive a small prize.
FYI: Today we practiced our sever weather drill in the afternoon.