Let's Stay Connected!
The home/school connection is so important! I am constantly looking for ways to build the home/school relationship between our classroom/school and our Kindergarten families. Here are a few ways to stay connected to what is happening in our classroom and at our school!
1. Subscribe to this blog! Add your e-mail to the subscribe section on the right side of this page and you will get e-mail notifications when I update the blog!
2. Follow our classroom on Instagram: cason_kindergarten
3. Download the "Remind" app and join our classroom. (Information will be sent home about this in your child's Open House folder!)
4. E-mail - Feel free to e-mail me any time with questions or concerns. I always try to respond the same day!
5. Phone Call - Please call me if you have any questions or concerns. You will most likely have to leave a voicemail during the school day. However, I will try and call you back the same day.
6. Keep an eye out for opportunities to join our classroom for things such as class parties, special events or read alouds!
I can't wait to get to know all of my students and their families this year!

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