Tuesday, August 30
Today our letter of the day was Bb. We practiced making the letter Bb and listening for its sound. We played a Hidden Bumblebee number game with the numbers 1 - 10 and then the students made a bear parade of numbers 1 - 10. These came home today. The class practiced following directions, coloring, cutting and gluing during our bus activity. The buses are decorating our classroom door. They did a great job!
We practiced our fire drill this afternoon. We continue to work on giving everyone a chance to use the Chrome Books. The students are doing a great job with them so far!
Tomorrow is Library
If you would like to order from the Scholastic Book Order, please order online with our classroom code before September 2 at 3 pm.
Character Rock T-shirts can still be ordered. Return the order form and payment to school.

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