Monday, August 29
On Monday, we started our "Letter of the Day" unit with the letter Aa. The students used their fine motor skills to make a torn paper apple craft. They also sorted pictures that started with Aa and pictures that did not start with Aa. The students practiced writing our letter of the day on dry erase boards.
Some of the students spent some time using the Chrome Books in class today as well. I reminded the students that not everyone had a turn today, however, we will rotate through everyone by the end of the week. We are just becoming familiar with the Chrome Books and will start to incorporate them more each week into our daily routine.
You probably noticed that a behavior sheet came home in your child's folder today. We spent a lot of time last week learning about the 4 Be's. Starting this week, I will fill out the behavior sheet daily to let you know how your child is doing at school. Please check it and initial it each evening and leave it in your child's folder. At the end of the grading period, we will have a Good News Party to celebrate good choices!
*Just as an FYI, this week we will be practicing our emergency drills (fire, sever weather and intruder.)

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